Dog/Puppy Adoption Questionnaire
Your Name:                                                                        
Are you interested in receiving information about future TARAA events?    Yes       No
Where do you live?      Apartment          House          Condo/Townhome/Duplex          Mobile Home
Do you?   Own       Rent - Name of rental complex and/or landlord-
Is there a pet deposit required?     No      Yes - How much?                          Is it paid?     Yes          No 
Do you have a fenced yard?       Yes            No
My dog will primarily be an…      Inside dog                Outside dog
Do you currently have other pets?  If Yes - How Many? ____________
Dogs_______   Sex_______   Age_______   Where kept___________   Years had_______  
Spayed/Neutered?   Yes    No    
Cats_______   Sex_______   Age_______   Where kept____________   Years had_______
Spayed/Neutered?   Yes     No
Have you had pets in the past?  
Dogs?   Yes   No    Where kept?__________________   Years had?______  Spayed/Neutered?  Yes    No
Cats?    Yes   No    Where kept?__________________   Years had?______  Spayed/Neutered?  Yes    No
Number of adults in your household?             Children/Ages?
Does anyone in the family have allergies?   Yes          No
Which family member will have the major responsibility of caring for the dog?
How would you describe your household?    Very Busy        Busy        Moderate        Quiet        Very Quiet
Are you a student?       Yes        No
If Yes - What will happen to your dog at the end of the school year? 
How many hours a day will the dog normally be left alone?
Where will you keep your pet while you're at work? 
Where will you keep your pet at night? 
If crate training, how many hours per day will they be crated? 
Do you have a vet?    No   Yes (name of vet/animal hospital) -